Police Modify (2024)
"Police Modify" is a 2024 Comedy movie directed by Nattaporn Phetskaew and starring by Nattaporn Phetskaew. When drug problems in the community began impacting the residents and causing trouble, the people looked to the police for help. Yet, the officers who were meant to protect and serve turned a blind eye to the issue. In response, Joe and his friends a group of local teenagers decided to stand up and take matters into their own hands. They came up with a bold idea: “Schools have private ones, hospitals have private ones, so why can’t police stations be private too?” This leads to a chaotic tale where the local teens attempt to bring order to their community, sparking an uproar as they take on the role of unconventional peacekeepers.
Released : Nov 21, 2024
Runtime : 125 min.
Stars : Nattaporn Phetskaew
Director : Nattaporn Phetskaew
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